Gridded floor mattings
- Particularly suitable for use in front of workbenches, assembly lines and production rooms as well as in changing rooms
- The pro le of the surface makes walking and standing on it safe and comfortable
- The elastic cushioning e ect counteracts fatigue
- Moisture protection and good insulation improve working conditions considerably
- Can be e ortlessly joined together
- The ramps and corner connectors allow transport vehicles to move easily
- Made of LDPE extrusions
- Temperature-resistant from -20° to +80° Celsius
- Easy to clean
- Standard colour: green
Table trolley
- Steel design with 3 pans welded to be oilproof, edges 40 mm high
- Load capacity 400 kg
- Solid rubber castors, wheel 0 200 mm, 2 swivel and 2 xed castors
- Level heights 290/600/910 mm = 3 pans
Seat furniture:
Several variations possible.